Earned Patches
Some Patches cannot be purchased but must be earned…
Zert Nation Earned Patch
N.S.S. National Shooting Standards Challenge
National Shooting Standards Challenge was designed by XP001 to provide uniform shooting standards for members around the globe. It allows beginners and advanced shooters to build and challenge their skill set with a rifle and/or a pistol on a indoor or outdoor range! Learn more about the N.S.S. Challenge.
Triple-S. Selection Shooting Standards
For those ZERT members who have successfully completed the National Shooting Standards – N.S.S. & are Irregular Warfare Qualified. Comes your next challenge Successful completion will not come easily. Learn more about the Triple-S.
I.W. Irregular Warfare
Shoot the N.S.S. clean with a rifle and gas mask at 15 yards to earn your “Irregular Warfare” Tab!
Communications Task Force Tabs
For those ZERT members who have successfully made contact with the ZERT HF Net and have been verified by our Admins will earn tabs based on their license level.
If you have your Technician License you will earn the Technician Tab.
If you have your General License you will earn your Technician & General Tab
If you have your Extra License you will earn your Technician, General and Extra Tab
If you have not made contact with the ZERT HF Net, but have a HAM License then you are approved to purchase the Communications Task Force Patch.
Learn more about the Divisions of ZERT.